Tree Treasure Hunt & Educational Odyssey
A community educational event designed to inspire curiosity about trees and the natural world!
Inspiring Tree Curiosity
We've selected 75 trees along the Jedediah Smith Memorial Trail inside the American River Parkway to help you learn to recognize the trees along the trail as you enjoy riding your bicycle this May!
We've cycled 194 miles to prepare the Tree Treasure Hunt & Educational Odyssey with you! We've mapped 17 species of trees all along the American River Parkway Trail, from Discovery Park to the Nimbus Fish Hatchery near Hazel Avenue.
We've included trees all along the American River Parkway Trail so no matter where you live or access the Parkway, we invite you to play and learn with us!
Get ready to ride
Each year, the Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates (SABA) sponsors the Love to Ride Challenge. This year the event kicks off on April 28 and runs through May 31.
There are many opportunities to connect with organizations and non-profits to help you learn safe cycling and get your bicycle rolling! Please ensure that your bicycle is ready to ride before participating in the Tree Treasure Hunt & Educational Odyssey. Be sure to check the SABA Love to Ride Events Calendar to meet new friends and get assistance with bicycle repair and safety.
If you are unfamiliar with access and fee stations, please visit Sacramento County Regional Parks to learn more. Please familiarize yourself with the rules of the multi-use trail here. Please ride safe - always wear a helmet!
We hope to see you on the trail! We'll be posting about the trees on our social media all month long to enhance your educational odyssey!
Please tag us in your photos @wildryeconsulting and use #treeGem if you take photos of the tree – we'd love to see a photo of you with the tree!
Get the Map Here!
but first, the fine print!
Wild Rye Consulting is a small woman-owned business. We specialize in providing consulting arborist services and vegetation ecology. We developed the Tree Treasure Hunt & Educational Odyssey because we are passionate about studying the urban forest and increasing awareness through education.
This effort was generated solely by Wild Rye Consulting and we received no compensation for our time or effort.
We need you to understand that there are risks associated with riding a bicycle and by opening the Tree Treasure Hunt & Educational Odyssey Map you agree to the terms and conditions in the waiver of liability and hold Wild Rye Consulting, LLC harmless.
The Release of Liability form can be reviewed here. I understand that I must sign the Release of Liability form to participate in in-person Activities hosted by Wild Rye Consulting. Consent is implied if I view and participate in the Tree Treasure Hunt & Educational Odyssey in the absence of Wild Rye Consulting.